Haze Policy for Group Training:
PSI <100 = Classes continue as normal
PSI 100-140 = Classes will continue at a reduced intensity. However students with a pre-existing medical condition will not participate.
PSI >140 = All group classes will be cancelled.
Haze Policy for Private Lessons:
PSI <130 Private lesson will continue as normal.
PSI 130 to 300 = Student must sign an indemnity waiver stating that you will play at your own risk.
PSI >300 No training will be held.
Note: PSI readings will be based on the 3 hr PSI from the NEA website. Readings are updated hourly.
Please contact our administrator at (+65) 81295381 for more details.
For other policies of our programmes. you can view them here.
Thank you,
SITA Tennis Academy Management.